Thursday, June 10, 2010

Palm Reading

I had never done this before, but was bribed by ladies with false promises. This session started with this very nice lady taking my birth date and going to her astrology book. Astrology gives information on personalities, careers, relationships, and life in general. They claim that positions of celestial bodies provide this information. Yea right! You see, I've always thought that I was a flawed individual but now I'm not so sure. She told me that I was honorable, loyal to my partner, and actually quite charming. She said that the numbers don't lie, and I think she might be right. Next she read my palm and showed me my health line, which was very good, My brain line that was a little short but still far above average, and my career line was not even there. This lady was "Spot On" as they say here. I always thought that I could have had a career if I only had half a brain. Now I learn after all these years that I might be overqualified for most careers. Anyone looking to hire a part time blogger?

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