Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Here in the south of England this never happens. Most of the local people don't ever remember this much snow all at once. As we stayed up until 3 in the morning watching the Superbowl, we also watched an unbelievable snow storm. Within about 6 hours well over a foot of snow piled up. This would never be much of a problem in the Pacific Northwest where we are from. In the UK you can't imagine the problems this caused. I don't believe there is a snow plow, snow tire, or even a snow shovel in the whole country. Most of the public transportation was shut down and many flights canceled. All of the schools in Surrey County where we live were closed. As I walked downtown most businesses didn't open, cars were all stuck and mail didn't get delivered. Here's what it looked like in our courtyard and from our balcony.

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