Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

This will be our official 2009 Christmas Card. Now Daughter Brooke is back home in Arizona after a 10 day holiday with us. Now we will try to figure out what to do with ourselves for the Holidays. We visited 8 different countries this year in Europe, which were Spain, Italy, The Vatican City, France, Germany, Ireland, The Czech Republic, and of course the USA. We have also had some occasional visitors, including both of our children, that have made our boring life a little more fun. Julie has changed jobs this year as Barclay's moved her from her Southern England Region, where she was very successful, to the more condensed South London Region. She has also signed another 2 year contract which will take us through 2011. Since we've recently moved, I am starting over finding things to do here in London and still doing a bit of work in Washington State. We do wish all of our family and friends a happy holiday and want everyone to know that we miss y'all. CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

Hey Phil and Julie:
We wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. We are in California enjoying the grandchildren and warm weather. Hope you have a great New Year.


Randy Ruth Emily Peter Sage Piper Ruby

coogrrr said...

Merry Christmas Phil and Julie

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year you two - I hope y ou didn't get caught up in that Boxing outbreak.
