World clocks are set according to Greenwich mean time. I always wanted to get my clock set right. I'll bet somone somewhere owes me some overtime! So there we stood, Julie in the Eastern hemisphere, and me in the Western. Finally we know what time it is.
We want to know what poor soul you got to take your pictures. You are lucky they did'nt run off with your camera. We are enjoying the daily comments. Keep them comming.
Everybody takes pics for people. A ton of tourists in London, from everyplace in the world. These historical sites are always full of people. The country quit charging fees for all of these so even the poor people could see their own history. Hows the weather there? We've seen nothing but blue sky since we got here. Are you still on crutches? Phil
Weather has been great. Cold at night 32 to 40 But clear and sunny during the day. Crutches are gone but I still have a limp. Much better. Have you got your shipment of belongings to you yet or have you not shipped yet. Done any cycle riding yet.
Got our personal items shipped about 500 lbs Have been looking for long term housing. No cycle riding yet.
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